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Live Interactions are necessary for client/customer engagement and loyalty, allowing companies and brands to take a real pulse on what people are saying about you -- which is essentially your TRUE Brand.  Engaged customers are great sources of social marketing, sharing their opinions with colleagues and peers and with some luck and a lot of detailed planning, those are your NEW customers.  These Live Interactions can take many forms:

  • Cocktail Parties

  • Meet & Greets

  • Client Dinners

  • Sponsored Speakers

  • Gamify

  • Contest Development

  • iSpy

  • TED Talks at Tradeshows

  • User Groups/Focus Groups

  • User Conferences/Training Conferences


A branded environment can immerse someone into the brand....the feeling, the culture, what you stand for -- turning your marketing efforts into a full-out EXPERIENCE!  There are different branded experiences options for each scenario, situation, industry, etc.  The options are limitless.

  • Booth Design/Structure

  • Mobile Marketing/Roadshow Trucks - often, brands will utilize custom-branded RV's, Buses, and Motor Coaches to draw attention to their offering, serving as mobile billboards as well as mobile centers to create brand experiences on-site in retail parking lots or at larger events

  • Shipping Containers Transformed - similar to above

  • Branded Lounges


People are social in nature and with all the apps, internet communities and ways to go definitely want to consider elements to SOCIAL-IZE your brand and make it easy for your clients to share their thoughts with others, and hear what others are saying about your brand.  One of the best ways to market is still word-of-mouth!  Whether you like it or not, the general public puts a lot of weight on others' reviews and opinions on products, companies, and everything else!

We can help you Social-ize your brand in a variety of ways, all of which will create engagement among your clients and customers.

  • Develop incentive for Tweeting, Instagraming or Facebooking the company or product, includes following, liking, sharing photos, hashtagging, etc.

  • Add a photo booth at tradeshows or events and have those photos upload automatically to your corporate social media outlet (example: Facebook).  Additional option include immediate print outs, images sent to client/customer cell phones for them to post on their social media, can display photos in a loop on a screen in your event space.

  • Create a social contest, announce the winner(s) socially

  • Use a hashtag contest to test your client engagement, post winner on Facebook

  • Marketing through amenities: companies promote their brands through interactive marketing via amenities such as charging stations, sunglasses for outdoor events, etc.

  • Online methods including: uTube, Blogs, Webcasts/Webinars and email campaigns

There are many creative outlets for using social aspects in furthering your market reach and growing your brand awareness.  Let us help you decide how to best SOCIAL-IZE given your marketing goals and objectives.

"Your brand is NOT what you say it is.

Your brand IS what your clients and customers say it is!"

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Engagement Marketing goes by many names:

--Experiential Marketing -- Event Marketing -- On-Ground Marketing -- Live Marketing -- Participation Marketing -- Special Events --

No matter the name, the basic concept is the development of a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers/clients/customers and invites and encourages them to participate in the evolution of your brand or brand experience. Rather than looking at your clients as passive receivers of messages, the use of Engagement Marketing ensures that consumers are actively involved in the production and co-creation of marketing programs, developing a relationship with your brand.  Consumer Engagement is when a brand and a consumer connect.  






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